The Point of the Gospel
and Mary
and his disciples came to a village and were asked to stay with Martha. Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet to
listen to him talk. Making preparations for her guests, Martha said to Jesus, “Lord,
tell my sister to help me. Don’t you care that she’s making me do all the work?”
Jesus said, “many things concern you but only one is required. Mary chose what
is needed and it will not be denied her.”
Anointed at Bethany
{Matthew and Mark}
in Bethany at the home of Simon the Leper, a woman brought in an alabaster jar
of costly perfume and poured some on Jesus’ head as he reclined at a table. The
disciples thought this wasteful. “This perfume could have been sold and would
have given us a good sum for the poor.” ({Mark} They sharply criticized the
said, “Don’t bother the woman. She has done something beautiful for me. The
poor will always be with you; I will not. Her gift prepares me for burial.
Truly, wherever my story is told in the world, she will also be remembered.”
Bethany, Lazarus, brother to Martha and Mary—the woman who poured perfume on
the Lord’s head and wiped his feet with her hair—lay ill. The sisters sent for
Jesus saying, “Lord, the one you love is sick.”
loved Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, yet stayed where he was for two more days and
said, “Lazarus will not die. This is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be
glorified.” He told his disciples they would return to Judea, but they
you’re going back after the Jews tried to stone you?”
man can see in daylight and not trip. At night, with no light, is when he
trips. (Personal Thought: Jesus obviously spoke of himself as the light,
though he didn’t explain this as he did the next passage.) Lazarus has gone to
sleep, but I am going to wake him.” His disciples thought he spoke of natural
sleep, so he explained. “Lazarus has died, and for your sake I’m glad I wasn’t
there, so you may believe.”
said to the other disciples, “Let’s go and die with him.”
time—Jesus raises Lazarus.