Friday, February 6, 2015

Healings of Jesus con't

The Point of the Gospel
Raising a Widow’s Son {Luke}

Entering the town of Nain with his disciples and a large crowd, Jesus saw another crowd accompanying a widow who buried her only son. Her plight touched his heart. He told her not to cry and approached the coffin.

“Young man, rise.” The man sat up and talked, and Jesus returned him to his mother.

Praising God, the crowd said, “A great prophet is here. God is helping his people.”

Ten Healed of Leprosy {Luke}

Traveling between Samaria and Galilee on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus came across ten men with leprosy outside a village. They pleaded with him to have pity on them. Jesus told them to report to the priests, and they were healed as they walked. One returned, threw himself at Jesus’ feet, and thanked him. He was a Samaritan.

Jesus said, “All ten of you were cleansed and yet none praised God except this foreigner. Your faith has made you well.” (The Old Testament laws considered diseases and conditions such as menstruation a state of uncleanness and people so afflicted couldn’t enter the temple. Jesus is often said to cleanse an illness or other condition.)

A Blind Beggar Healed {Luke}

A blind man sat begging by the road to Jericho. He heard a crowd passing and was told they traveled with Jesus of Nazareth. He shouted, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.” Those at the front of the group tried to quiet the man but he yelled even more.

Jesus stopped and asked the beggar, “What do you seek from me?”

“I want to see, Lord.”

“Your faith has healed you.” The man was healed and followed Jesus. He and the rest of the crowd praised God.

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