Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Crazy Pets

Pet Owners’ Quirks

Anyone who has loved a pet will say that their animals are family members. There is shared love, concern for each other’s welfare—anyone had a psychic dog who knew when you needed an extra lick or cuddle? We have to ensure our pets’ health—especially dogs who have to go outside and brave ticks, mosquitoes, hot pavement, etc.—provide care for them when we have to leave them at home. (I have to laugh. The computer is prompting me to use that instead of who in the above sentence. I dare anyone to call a pet owner’s dog a thing instead of a who.)

The first cat I fell in love with I called Blackie, despite the fact that he had a white chest and paws. He never bit or scratched me, not even when I dressed him in doll clothes and wheeled him around in my baby carriage. I don’t know why he didn’t jump out. I’d sit on the floor to watch TV with his head resting on my leg. If I had to get up, I placed a rolled-up newspaper under his head.

Crazy Pets

I bought myself a red Persian kitten after college from a pet store. That cat was certifiably crazy. Start playing with him and he attacked with the ferocity of the lion he resembled. I had to wrap my arm in a sweat shirt while he chewed on it to prevent punctures. An indoor cat, he was determined to go outside and lay in wait at the door whenever he knew my mother was coming in. She never paid attention.

I took to clipping him into a harness and leash outside. Stupidly, I never gave a thought to other animals bothering him. He was attacked right before I was to leave for vacation. My father agreed to take care of him. Unfortunately, Dad wasn’t of the breed to consider an animal family. He called me to say my cat was dying. I rushed home. Poor kitty couldn’t even stand up. I hand fed him pieces of chicken and stood him up and held him to walk. He recovered.

Next time I went on vacation, I took him along. On the highway, he rested half on the back of my seat, half on my neck. Pouring rain, I almost missed a turnoff and screeched into it. The cat grabbed hold of the nearest support—my neck.

Okay, wait a minute. Which of us was crazy?

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