Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Biology of the Female Orgasm

Sexual Dysfunction in Women

The prevailing wisdom (decided by men) used to be that women couldn’t feel sexual pleasure. Fat lot they knew. Doctors at one time actually manually stimulated female patients sexually to combat hysteria, a supposed nervous condition leading to physical and mood symptoms that were sometimes diagnosed to need a hysterectomy to correct the condition. Wow.

Sexual dysfunction in women can stem from drug use—prescribed or illegal—and hormonal changes from pregnancy, breast feeding, PMS, or menopause that cause a lack of lubrication or a waning libido. Vaginal narrowing and atrophy can occur with age, especially if a woman doesn’t engage in regular intercourse. All this can cause pain, fear of intercourse, and an accompanying loss of sexual interest.

Talk About It

Fingers or vibrators shaped like a penis can be used to help prevent tissue atrophy and plenty of lubricants exist. Water-based are best and least likely to affect the natural PH level of the vagina or cause infection.

It’s a shame so many women are uncomfortable talking about these problems with their doctor, but it’s important to do so for one’s physical and emotional health—marital problems might be avoided, feelings of inadequacy, depression.  

The Biology of a Female Orgasm

Basically, science doesn’t have a real explanation for it as they do for a man’s. Big surprise. It doesn’t seem to be a necessary component of reproduction, though the theory goes that the muscle contractions during orgasm may help direct the sperm into the cervix and the fallopian tube where the ripe egg sits.

Women vary in how much and what kind of stimulation they need to achieve an orgasm and may require more than one type, such as stimulation of erogenous zones (lips, breasts, butt, etc.) to begin the lubrication process before direct stimulation of the more sensitive—and therefore easily painful if not properly prepared—clitoris.  

The clitoris has over 8,000 nerve endings as does the head of the penis. There is insufficient research to state what the G-spot is or if it really exists. The structure seems to vary in its placement among women and seems not to exist in others. Most scientists believe it is part of the clitoris that extends to the front vaginal wall.

Next week—female ejaculation, multiple orgasms, and the social influences on sexuality.


Friday, December 26, 2014

Eternal Food

The Point of the Gospel

The Bread of Life {John}

The crowd found Jesus across the lake and asked when he got there. They knew he hadn’t left on the boat. Jesus said, “You are looking for me because you were fed. Don’t work for food that doesn’t last, rather for food that lasts into eternal life. God the Father has sanctioned the Son of Man to give you this food.”

The people asked what God required of them. Jesus said, “Believe the one he sent to you.” They asked for a miraculous sign by which they might believe him. Jesus said, “Your forefathers ate the manna God gave them in the desert and still died. My Father now gives you the true bread from heaven—he who comes to give life to the world.

“Sir,” they said, “give us this bread.”

Jesus answered, “I am the bread of life. Come to me and never go hungry, believe in me and never go thirsty. Yet you see me and don’t believe. Any who do will not be driven away. I came to fulfill the Father’s will, which is to keep everyone he has given me and raise them on the last day. He wishes all who believe in the Son to have eternal life.

Personal Thought: this passage about raising his people on the last day is one of those that make me wonder if the dead don’t go to heaven until Judgment Day.

The Jews doubted, saying, “Isn’t he the son of Joseph and Mary? How can he have come down from heaven?”

“Quit complaining,” Jesus said. “Only those the Father leads to me will I raise on the last day. The Prophets said God would teach everyone. Those who learn his teachings come to me for everlasting life. I am the bread of life. Eat the bread from heaven and you won’t die but live forever. My flesh is this bread, which I give for the life of the world. Unless you eat the flesh of the son of Man and drink his blood, life is not in you. Consume this real food and drink and remain in me as I will in you. I live because of the Father and you will live because of me.”

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Sexual Dysfunction

Let’s Face Facts

Women don’t need a penis to be sexually satisfied, yet the attitude I’ve come across is that if the penis doesn’t work, why bother with sex? I wonder how many female partners don’t want to embarrass their partners and simply don’t talk about the sensitive issue or their own needs.

Men have a lot more tools at their disposal to satisfy their partners than many use—hands, mouths, toys in endless variations. I’d think that would be good news since it takes the pressure off having to get and maintain an erection. And a man can still obtain pleasure without one. I’ve heard one doctor say they can also achieve an orgasm without an erection but haven’t seen anyone else substantiate that.

Vibrators are the number one selling sex toy, though there are plenty of aids for self-gratification specifically aimed at men. Men don’t like to admit to needing help or having problems, so the fewer sales could be part of their cultural conditioning. I still think a lot more frustrated ladies suffer in silence and go uncounted.

Sexual Dysfunction

Men: Both proper blood flow and nerve transmission (part of the arousal process) are required for a man to achieve and maintain an erection. As stated last week, diabetes, heart disease, and drugs can affect the blood flow or neural responses. Smoking is a major culprit in male dysfunction as well.

It’s normal for a man to have five to six erections during the sleep cycle and a lack of these may signal physiological dysfunction. Another test used is to squeeze the glans or head of the penis, which should cause an accompanying contraction of the anus. If it doesn’t, this indicates neural dysfunction. Aerobic exercise in midlife is a major contributing factor to preventing erectile dysfunction.

There are medications and pumps to help blood flow to the penis to achieve an erection. Last resort is surgery and implanting rods—ouch. This all concentrates on intercourse as the end all and be all of sex. Guys might want to keep in mind that a good percent of women never achieve orgasm through penetration. Of course if a lack of an erection affects a man’s libido or leaves him sexually frustrated, it may lead to problems of depression, self-worth, and anxiety or worsen physical problems such as high blood pressure.

Next week—the female anatomy and sexual dysfunction in women.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Jesus Stuns the Disciples

The Point of the Gospel

Jesus Walks On Water {Matthew, Mark, Luke}

Jesus had the disciples get into a boat and go ahead of him while he dismissed the crowd. He then prayed alone on the mountainside. Evening came and the boat, far from shore and going against the wind, was buffeted by the waves. The disciples strained at the oars. Jesus walked on the lake to them.

The disciples saw him and cried out in terror. “It’s a ghost.”

Jesus said, “Take courage, it is I. Don’t be afraid.”

Peter called out. “If it’s you, let me come to you on the water.”

Jesus said, “Come.”

Peter got out of the boat and walked to Jesus, but he saw the wind, was afraid, and began to sink. “Lord, save me,” he cried.

Jesus caught him. “You of little faith, why did you doubt?”

They climbed into the boat and the wind died down. The disciples worshipped him and said, “Truly, you are the Son of God.”

{John} When Jesus got on board, the boat immediately reached the shore. The people Jesus had fed realized he no longer was on the mountain, though his disciples took the only missing boat without him. They followed Jesus across the lake.

{Mark} Jesus climbed into the boat and the wind died. The disciples were amazed because, their hearts hardened, they hadn’t understand the lesson of the few loaves and leftover pieces.

{Matthew and Mark}They landed at Gennesaret where Jesus was recognized. Word was sent to all the surrounding country. People brought their sick and begged to just touch the edge of Jesus’ cloak. All who touched him were healed.

Personal Thought: I find the phrase hardened hearts, used in both the Old and New Testaments, ambiguous. It seems to sometimes mean ignorance, other times deliberate disbelief, and especially in the story of Moses and the Pharaoh, God’s doing in order that His will could be done. The last bothers me as far as when people decide that’s what God was doing. Yes, He knows the heart and can use it, but people often don’t and have to be careful judging.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Sex--Can We Talk?

Sex Facts and Myths

I’m no expert, so I’ve read extensively, listened to lots of people, and would like more feedback on people’s issues they seldom feel comfortable talking about but wish they could. This is an anonymous forum and no judgment will be offered—we all want to understand what makes us tick and sex is a biological need no matter how much we prettify it with sentiment. Does the sentiment mean anything? Sure—it answers our need for intimacy, which is not the same thing as sex, though we often hope it will be part of the experience.

If people want an idea of what subjects or where to go with this, in a future post I’ll put up a questionnaire. I’d like a serious discussion of a topic that deeply affects everyone’s emotional and physical health. Collective concerns and insights are better than one person’s.

Performance Issues

I’ll start with my pet peeve. I’m going to be blunt. If upfront talk on sex offends anyone, don’t continue reading. If you want to understand a subject, nothing is off-limits initially. Distaste is in the eye of the beholder, and the idea is to share information, not titillate.

Men: in monogamous relationships, media sources often tell us, men go without sex more than they’d like. I don’t know about other cultures, but we all know here in America obesity is rampant. Fat gets in the way of fitting together for maximum pleasure in both men and women, but men are more affected in the performance department, in large part because the medications they take for accompanying problems—diabetes, high blood pressure—interfere with the ability to achieve or maintain an erection or to climax.

Women: medications affect women’s ability to climax as well, including certain anti-anxiety brands. Always read the literature on side effects of any medication. Women can suffer from a lack of interest if their lives are over-burdened with too many chores, if they’re going through hormonal changes, or if they’re having trouble communicating to their partner or don’t know themselves what they need to become aroused and achieve an orgasm.

It’s my contention that there are a lot more frustrated ladies nowadays and the media just hasn’t caught up to the problem. We’ll see. Next week—some sexual facts and myths.