Friday, May 23, 2014

The Point of the Gospel--Jesus at Twelve

Jesus’ Childhood {Luke}

Jesus grew and became strong and filled with wisdom. The grace of god was upon him.
(Personal Thought: I wonder if that means the Holy Spirit was in him or he seemed to others to be favored by God in his growth and personality.)

Every year, Mary and Joseph traveled to Jerusalem for the Passover Feast. One year when Jesus was twelve, he remained behind in Jerusalem after the feast. His parents thought he was with friends or relatives traveling back to Nazareth with them and didn’t miss him until a full day away from the city. They returned and searched for three days, finally finding their son in the temple listening to the teachers and asking questions. Everyone was astonished at Jesus’ knowledge and his answers to their questions.

Mary asked him why he had worried them so, making them search frantically. They didn’t understand his reply.

“Why did you need to search for me? Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” (Personal Thought: I doubt that was said or meant as cheeky as it translates in modern English.)

Jesus returned to Nazareth and behaved obediently, and his mother treasured everything in her heart. Jesus grew in body and wisdom, and found approval with God and people.

Personal Thought: It appears that even early on Jesus had a charisma and appeal that drew people to him and invited discussion with him.

Monday—part three of “The Punchbowl.” Next week in The Point of the Gospel—John prepares the way.

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