Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Update On What I'm Doing

Writer Status

I was going to start posting a short story today but decided to wait till Monday since The Point of the Gospel is tomorrow. I have sent out a short romance, a slice-of-life vignette, a short scifi story, and a narrative nonfiction piece to magazines. Haven’t heard back on any of them yet.

Not doing my job in reading other people’s blogs and leaving comments. I have been reading the bestseller lists and can’t say as any resembles my novel The Devoted of Imshalel. I’m just about ready to start sending query letters to agents for it. The story is complete, the letter is giving me conniptions. So many sources I’ve read that give advice on the format contradict one another, but then so does advice on just about everything to do with writing.

Use an outline; don’t use an outline, let it flow spontaneously; there is a specific structure to stories, no there isn’t, be creative. Most do agree that tension and conflict are the things that move a story and keep a reader turning the pages. Speaking of which…

What I’m Reading

Read The Eye of God by James Rollins, a book in his sigma forces series. The science and history of the story were fascinating, mostly set in East Asia. I don’t mind violence necessarily but I’m not fond of sadistic torture. A little too dark for me. The end especially propelled the reader right along.

I never read J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit as a child. I can see where it would make for a good movie with today’s special effects. As a book, I think it comes across as a bit dated. It’s too violent for young children and too hokey for older kids. Again, the ending did keep me turning the pages.

The Point of the Gospel—days following Jesus’ birth—Friday.

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