Friday, May 29, 2015

Putting Talents to Use

The Point of the Gospel
Parables con’t

The Ten Virgins {Matthew}

Jesus said, “The kingdom of God will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went to meet a bridegroom. Five were foolish and brought no oil for their lamps. The wise virgins carried extra oil in jars. They all became tired at the long wait for the bridegroom and fell asleep. At midnight, a cry arose that the bridegroom had come. The virgins woke and trimmed the wicks of their lamps. The foolish virgins asked the others to give them some oil as theirs was running out. Thinking there might not be sufficient for everyone, the wise ones urged the others to go buy more. The bridegroom arrived while they were still away. The virgins who were prepared went in to the wedding banquet with the bridegroom, and the door was shut.

“Later, the others returned and asked to be let in, but the bridegroom said, ‘I don’t know you.’ You cannot know the time of the bridegroom’s arrival, so keep watch.”

The Talents {Matthew} The Ten Minas {Luke}

{Luke} Jesus told a parable about the kingdom of God because, approaching Jerusalem, the people expected it to appear at once.

{Matthew} “Again,” Jesus said, “the kingdom of God will be like a man going on a journey who called his servants and gave them property to take care of. To one he gave five talents (about one thousand dollars), to another he gave two, and to another, one, depending on their abilities. The man with five put his money to work and gained five more. The one with two gained two more. But the man with one hid his in a hole in the ground.”

{Luke} “A man of noble birth going on a long journey to be appointed king, called ten servants before him and gave each ten minas (about three months wages). He ordered them to put the minas to work until his return. His subjects hated him and sent a delegation to say they didn’t want him as king. Made king despite their objections, he returned and called the ten servants to ask what they had made from the money given to them.

“The first earned ten more and the king said, ‘Well done. Because you are trustworthy on small matters, take charge of ten cities.’ A second servant earned five minas and was given five cities.

“A third said, ‘I folded away your money in a cloth, afraid because you are a hard man.’”

{Matthew} “After a long time, the master returned and settled accounts with his servants. The man with five talents brought them and the five more earned. His master said, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with a few things. I shall place you in charge of many. Come and share your master’s happiness.’

“The man with two talents came with those given to him and the two gained. The master praised and rewarded him in the same manner. Then the servant who had buried his talent came and said, ‘Master, I knew you harvest where you haven’t sown and gather where you haven’t scattered seed, a hard man. I was afraid and hid your money. Here is what belongs to you.’”

{Matthew and Luke} “The master (king) replied, ‘You wicked, lazy servant. You should have put my money on deposit with the bankers so I would at least have gotten the interest. Take the money from him and give it to the one who has ten (twenty). For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. Throw that worthless servant outside into the darkness where there will be weeping and the gritting of teeth.’”

{Luke} “‘Those enemies who objected to me becoming king—bring them and kill them in front of me.’”

Personal Thought: Jesus didn’t come to wage war but a lot of his stories used violent metaphors.

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