Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Blog Directories

Writing Status

Holy cow! Am I grateful my teenager is on spring break. He saw me through the ins and outs of listing my blog on the blog directories Technorati and Blogcatalog. I haven’t had the opportunity to get a picture of myself to place on these sites. Neither my son nor I could figure out how to get a picture he took in photography class that I like to upload. Download? I really don’t know the difference. Supposedly free, these services are still businesses. The second, especially, had a multitude of services for fees to fast track your blog to success.

I haven’t yet sold any of my writing and can’t afford to take money out of the family budget, so skipped these services. Makes you wonder how that affects a blog’s standing in the directory. You hope content is the deciding factor in drawing readers but promotion is certainly a factor. I’m learning but feel behind the eight ball regarding networking. Taking these steps has made me feel better, but I have a sinking feeling that I have a lot more to do to see the benefits. I set up a page on, a site for business people but need to further explore how it works.

If anyone wants details on the process of all this, leave a comment and I’ll either get back to you or post about it if there’s enough interest.

The Human Condition

My son set up a link to my blog for me on He’d become frustrated by this time at my pokiness in finding the words he said to click onto and my wanting to first read directions to help myself do it alone the next time. Too bad he can’t remember the repetitious, persistent task of teaching him to talk, walk, and recite his ABCs. Sorry, it’s petty, but part of looking forward to being a grandmother is vengeance.

Next time—more on The Point of the Gospel.

1 comment:

  1. "The Human Condition" Chuckle, Chuckle, I am really enjoying reading your blogs! I didn't mean to spend so much time doing this (I have an ton of things I must be doing...) but I cant stop. ; - ) I think I screwed up on the punctuation/grammar but who really cares?
