Friday, January 23, 2015

Raising a Dead Girl

The Point of the Gospel

A Woman with a Bleeding Disorder {Matthew, Mark, and Luke}

A synagogue ruler named Jairus knelt before Jesus and said, “My daughter is dying.” (Matthew reports she was already dead.) “Come lay your hand on her and she will live.”
Jesus and his disciples went with the man. ({Mark and Luke} A large crowd also followed.) A woman with a twelve-year bleeding condition ({Mark and Luke} had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors, spent all she possessed, and only grew worse). She came up behind Jesus. Believing she would be healed, she touched the edge of Jesus’ cloak ({Mark and Luke} and immediately felt that her body was healed).

({Matthew} Jesus turned and saw her.) ({Mark and Luke} Jesus realized that power had gone out from him and asked who had touched him. The disciples said ({Luke} Peter said), “The crowd presses about you. Anyone could have touched you.” But Jesus looked for the one who had touched him. The woman fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told what had happened.)

Jesus said, “Take heart, daughter, your faith has healed you.” ({Matthew} And she was healed. Jesus entered the ruler’s house and saw a crowd and flute players.)

Raising a Dead Girl

({Mark and Luke} Men came from the house of Jairus and told him his daughter was dead and to bother the teacher no further. Jesus ignored them and said, “Don’t be afraid, just believe.” He let no one but Peter, James, and John, brother of James, follow him into the house. People inside the house wailed and cried.)

“Go away,” Jesus said to them. “The girl is only sleeping.” They laughed at him.

({Mark and Luke} After Jesus put the crowd out, he took the girl’s parents and his three disciples to the child.)

Jesus took the girl by the hand and she immediately stood up and walked. ({Mark and Luke} She was twelve years old. Jesus gave strict orders not to tell anyone what happened and told them to feed the child.) ({Matthew} The story spread throughout that region.)

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