Monday, November 10, 2014

Romantic Negotiations--Conclusion

Romantic Negotiations—conclusion

Ron waited in the foyer, casual in dark jeans, turtleneck, and charcoal jacket. He looked good. The spark in his hazel eyes said, “Right back at you.” He kissed Letitia’s cheeks and her stomach unclenched.

Gentleman personified, Ron cupped Letitia’s elbow to steer her in the hostess’s wake and held out her chair for her. He sat and looked at her, mouth bowed. “Prettiest girl in the room.”

Letitia laughed at his gallantry. She knew the peach sweater and dark tan slacks complemented her golden brown hair and eyes. “Tell me you brought pictures of your little cherub.” That seemed a safe start to the conversation.

Ron grinned, obviously besotted by his granddaughter. He set his phone and passed it to Letitia. She scrolled through quite a collection of shots, her expression softening when she came to those of Ron holding a pink bundle.
He slid a hand over hers. His smile slipped and Letitia felt hers die. “Lettie, you understand the ebbs and flows of corporate America, the time demands to stay on top of your game. We’ve cut short our nights together when one or the other had an early meeting; had to cancel a couple of times due to deadlines. Being part of our children’s lives requires time.”

Ron pulled back and a twinge of uncertainty crossed his face. Letitia braced, hand flat on the white tablecloth, unable to move. Ron replaced the phone in his jacket, turned her hand over, and gently pressed a key, warm from his body, into her palm.

“You have the key to my heart.” The clichĂ© brought out an endearing, embarrassed smile that gave way to serious intent. “This is the key to my place and a promise to make time for a future together. What do you think?”

Letitia glowed as Ron lifted her hand to his lips.    

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